Created in 1977 to give expression to a strongly held government policy, MIQCP has continued to promote quality in the public construction sector. Whether new works, rehabilitations or edifices requiring maintenance, this sector encompasses buildings, infrastructures and public spaces under the responsibility of the State or local authorities.

Architectural quality covers a wide range of town planning, aesthetic, functional, technical and economic requirements.
It is essential that a public amenity meets the expectations of all those who will be using it and expresses a certain sense of continuity. In this respect, the amenity is symbolic of the values held by the society for which it is created.
To meet its assigned objectives, MIQCP has adopted a policy that associates reflective thinking, advice, assistance, direct actions and recommendations.

The Mission also participates in discussions on how to harmonise practices to ensure that they comply with European directives concerning project consultant operations. It carries out comparative studies on the institutional context and the methods used to attribute public architecture contratcs in the different european countries.

It places particular emphasis on the following aspects:

  • client involvement,
  • contribution to the development of procedures,
  • training and increasing awareness,
  • communications,
  • sharing experience on an international level.

Having contributed to the renewal of French architecture, the Mission is now participating in the promotion and export of French "savoir-faire".


In order to encourage architectural creativity and promote the quality of public construction, MIQCP favours the concept of mobilising all clients.

Above all, and particularly through a recognition of its impartiality and experience-based doctrine, it establishes a relationship of trust with State and local authority building services.

The Missions involvement takes place on several levels. On request from the State, regions, departments, communes and their government establishments, its team of experts (consultant architects, lawyers, engineers), reinforced by external professionals (programmers, landscape designers), intervenes as a consultant on a large number of operations.

Often, each operation is a specific case that requires the development of adapted provisions and procedural methods.

The Mission can also intervene to help the client through the delicate stages of all measures preceding the development of an architectural or town planning project (organisation of the client team, preparation of the programme, operational setting up, preliminary studies). The decisions taken at these key stages are largely responsible for the success of an operation and, more specifically, the projectâs architectural quality.

MIQCP also plays an important assistance role during architectural competitions and all other procedures used to choose a designer. This has led it to participate in over a hundred competition juries a year through the involvement of its consultant architects.

The role of mediation

The total impartiality that MIQCP always applies in its relations with the different professional partners has led it to intervene as a moral authority and serve as mediator when conflicts arise between clients and project consultants. This role is particularly appreciated by competition juries as, in this situation, the Missionâs consultant architects can if need be contribute in an educational manner, advising clients and helping them to understand the quality of a project.

By basing itself on observation and the analysis of practices with its partners, MIQCP contributes to the evolution of regulations governing public engineering and architecture commissions. It has a multiple role. It intervenes as an advisor in the preparation of statutory and legislative texts. Working in relation with all professional bodies, it also contributes to improving architectural and other types of competitions as well as the way that project consultants intervene in the system. As a focal point of technical and legal competences, MIQCP represents a resources centre open to public clients and project consultants.

A priority

The experience acquired over the years and through a large number of operations means that MIQCP is able to provide clients, their assistants and professional bodies with training and awareness development courses.

Using its savoir-faire, it organises training courses on the following themes:

  • architectural quality perceived as a challenge to be met by the client,
  • making politicians more aware of their responsibilities as client,
  • an essential step: the preparation of the programme,
  • the choice of project consultant and the organisation of competitions,
  • the training of architects to be competition jury members, in coordination with the French national council of architects.

It also organises courses and study sessions in consultation with training centres run by ministries, local authorities and professional bodies.


Research seeking to develop quality

The various recommendations made by the Mission are published and regularly updated, enriched and reprinted. In addition, through articles in specialised magazines, MIQCP makes known its position on current problems faced by public building commissions.

These measures, aimed at a highly specialised public, take place within the Missionâs documentation department. MIQCP makes available guides, studies and publications concerning public facilities to all concerned parties. It also has a regularly updated web site that groups together practical information and answers to the questions most often asked by those visiting the site. In coordination with the Architecture and Heritage department, the French Institute of Architecture and the Ministry of Culture and Communications, the Mission participates in all operations aiming to valorise the architectural quality of public buildings (example: Albums de la jeune architecture).

MIQCP issues a large number of recommendations - the result of its experience and the reflective thinking of specialised work groups. This allows it to recommend improvements and even experimental measures to be applied to the organisation of public commissions and the implementation of public construction operations.


A body known for its activities and "savoir-faire"

Having contributed to the renewal of French architecture, the Mission is now participating in the promotion and export of French "savoir-faire".

With its unique structure - resulting from its interministerial status - MIQCP is known for its field experience and its expert understanding of attribution procedures for architecture and development commissions in the public sector.

This recognition has led it to organise a network of public client representatives in Europe to develop technical and cultural exchanges.

A qualified institution

Called on by European professionals, it provides advice on organisational rules for architecture competitions in European Union countries.
The Mission also participates in discussions on the harmonisation of practices in order to apply European directives concerning project consultant operations. It carries out comparative studies on the institutional context and the methods used to attribute public architecture commissions in the different European countries.

In addition, MIQCP is called on to provide advice in the organisation of operations in non-community member countries.

Coordination: Yolande de Courrèges, Communications
Translation: Nick Hargreaves